Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

[G909.Ebook] Fee Download Tartuffe, by Moliere, Constance Congdon

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Tartuffe, by Moliere, Constance Congdon

Tartuffe, by Moliere, Constance Congdon

Tartuffe, by Moliere, Constance Congdon

Fee Download Tartuffe, by Moliere, Constance Congdon

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Tartuffe, by Moliere, Constance Congdon

Constance Congdon's witty verse adaptation of Moliere's timeless classic, in which a religious conman infiltrates the household of a gullible man and his exasperated family, has lent itself to productions set in modern-day Texas, New Orleans, and even The Sopranos' New Jersey. "Constance Congdon slips into Moliere's tricky shoes and the fit is Cinderella-perfect. Congdon's quicksilver wit and breathless urgency coax the dark heart of Tartuffe into glowing with a twenty-first-century heat." -John Guare "[The] over-the-top setting for the Two River Theater production of TARTUFFE is a Texas McMansion decorated like a Disney theme park. A spiraling two-story staircase, its iron railing featuring a recurring motif of a lone star nestled in a spur, dominates the space. The sitting area below, done in high Louis-the-Something, has a damask sofa with silver Texas Ranger badges adorning its skirt and pony skin pillows propped in its corners. Looming above the stairwell, a huge cross, operated by remote control, awaits illumination. Eat your heart out, J. R. The director Jane Page has taken Constance Congdon's new rhymed version of Moliere's 1664 satire, based on a translation by Virginia Scott, and plopped it down in Texas (somewhere near a Neiman Marcus, as the shopping bags attest) circa 2006. The conceit works wonderfully, with each of the playwright's comically charged characters slipping naturally into twang and two-step ... It all adds up to a fun-filled Texas-style branding, skewering and roasting of a villain everyone loves to hate. " -Naomi Siegel, New York Times"

  • Sales Rank: #3142605 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-02-28
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .19" h x 5.50" w x 8.50" l, .26 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 86 pages

Constance Congdon slips into Moliere's tricky shoes and the fit is Cinderella-perfect. Congdon's quicksilver wit and breathless urgency coax the dark heart of Tartuffe into glowing with a twenty-first-century heat. --John Guare

Language Notes
Text: English (translation)
Original Language: French

From the Inside Flap
Initially banned in France by King Louis, Moli re's celebrated social satire Tartuffe exposes false piety and hypocrisy in the Catholic Church. When a pious fraud worms his way into a wealthy family and manipulates the patriarch into giving up his fortune, it's up to his family to expose the truth before they end up in the poor house!

An L.A. Theatre Works full-cast performance starring:

Brian Bedford as Tartuffe

JB Blanc as M. Loyal and Officer

Daniel Blinkoff as Damis

Gia Carides as Dorine

Jane Carr as Mme. Pernelle

John de Lancie as Cleante

Martin Jarvis as Orgon

Matthew Rhys as Valere

Sarah Zimmerman as Mariane

Translated by Richard Wilbur. Directed by Dakin Matthews. Recorded at The Invisible Studios, West Hollywood in June, 2010.

Most helpful customer reviews

43 of 47 people found the following review helpful.
Moliere's paradigmatic neoclassical comedy, "Tartuffe"
By Lawrance Bernabo
I often taught Moliere's "Tartuffe" as an example of the neoclassical form of comedy in contrast to the romantic comedy represented by Shakespeare. We would read "Twelfth Night," a play set in a faraway exotic land where the point was simply romance, and then turn to "Tartuffe," where the contemporary society becomes one of the primary concerns of the comic dramatist. During the neoclassical period society was concerned with norms of behavior, and in a Moliere play you usually find a eccentric individual, out of step with the rest of society, who is laughed back to the right position. Moliere was concerned with social problems, which was while this particular play, dealing with the issue of hypocrisy, was banned for years. Keep in mind that originally hypocrisy was specific to religion, although today it can be used with regards to politics, sex, or even uncontroversial subjects.
The central character in "Tartuffe" is not the title character, but Orgon, a reasonably well to do man of Paris who is married to his second wife, Elmire, and has a song, Damis, and a daughter, Mariane, from his first marriage. He also has the misfortune of living with his mother, Madame Pernelle. Tartuffe is a religious hypocrite who worms his way into Orgon's confidence in order to take him for everything he is worth. Orgon is completely duped, and disinherits his son when Damis tries to prove Tartuffe is fraud. The other key character in the play is Dorine, who is Mariane's maid and the smartest person in the house, which allows her to both manipulate the action and comment on the play.
There are three crucial scenes in the play that readers should appreciate, even if it will not be covered on a future exam. The first is the opening scene (in Moliere's comedies the scene changes every time a character enters or exits) where we are introduced to Madame Pernelle, who promptly proceeds to criticize everybody in Orgon's household while praising Tartuffe. The result is that because she is so obnoxious, we have a low opinion of Tartuffe before he ever appears on stage. So, in addition to being a funny scene, it serves an important function in terms of the play. The second key scene comes when Orgon realizes he has been duped, and instead of continuing to ridicule his central character, Moliere turns him into a sympathetic figure. We laugh at Orgon while he does not have a clue as to his culpability in his coming demise, but once he starts to lose everything we stop laughing.
The final scene of interest, for mostly reasons external to the story, is the conclusion, where Moliere pulls what could only be called a "roi ex machina." This is because instead of dropping a god out of the sky in the manner of Euripides, Moliere has a representatative of the King arrive to set everything to rights. Tartuffe might pull the wool over the eyes of ordinary folk, but the King--in this case, King Louis XIV--is not fooled. The play "Tartuffe" was banned by the clergy after its first performance because it was seen as a thinly veiled attack against the Jansenists (a rather puritanical Catholic sect), and Moliere literally spent years rewriting it before the King gave his approval. It is not surprising that the playwright makes his patron the hero at the end of the play.
If you are only going to read (or teach) one Moliere play, then my choice would be "Tartuffe," even over "The Misanthrope," "The Imaginary Invalid," or "The Bourgeois Gentleman." I would argue that "Tartuffe" is the paradigmatic Moliere play, which best represents his comic techniques while also having a historical context that speaks to the tenor of the times in which he wrote. I also think it is the funniest of his plays.

15 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
The Facades and Scandals of the Seventeenth Century and Today
By Gary Buehner
Intriguing and entertaining, the play Tartuffe is a satire displaying the scandalous truths and facades of the seventeenth century. Although initially written for the people of King Louis the XIV, the book can be read by an every day high school student or adult. Through reading the play the audience is able to see the deception of people and that we can not always judge by what we see. Moliere brings about this concept through his witty play, and in such a manner that you can't put it down. In Tartuffe, Moliere uses the characterization, rhyme scheme, setting, and irony to effectively inform an every day audience about the distinction between appearances versus reality.

Characterization of Tartuffe

The perfect example of a hypocritical facade is displayed in the characterization of Tartuffe; in fact the name can be defined as one resembling false piety of religion. Tartuffe's character doesn't appear until nearly the middle of the play and the first image the audience receives is of him demanding his servant to, "hang up my hair-shirt, put my scourge in place, and pray Laurent for Heaven's perpetual grace. I'm going to prison now, to share my last few coins with the poor wretches there." (Tartuffe 3.2). The scourge and hair-shirt are used as a means of penance and chastisement. Religious ascetics will operate these items in private, showing their true devotion to God and to no one else. Tartuffe, however, made it obvious to the entire household what he was doing. Cleante, the character of reason, expounds upon Tartuffe's character, "those whose hearts are truly pure and lowly, don't make a flashy show of being holy. There is a vast difference it seems to me, between true piety and hypocrisy." (Tartuffe 1.5). If Tartuffe was truly pious, he wouldn't need ratification from others for his good deeds, self-satisfaction would suffice. Although Tartuffe appears holy and raves about his goodness, in reality it is just for show.

Another example of Tartuffe's hypocrisy occurs with Dorine. He tells Dorine to "cover that bosom, girl. The flesh is weak; such sights as that can undermine the soul." (Tartuffe 3.2). Tartuffe might appear offended by the act of seeing a women's chest, however, he doesn't have a problem with sleeping with another man's wife. In the next scene Tartuffe's counterfeit façade is dissolved with Elmire and he offers her "love without scandal, and pleasure without fear" if she will commit adultery with him. To Tartuffe "it is no sin to sin in confidence" and though "some joys are wrong in heaven's eyes, heaven is not averse to compromise." (Tartuffe 4.5). In the scriptures, committing adultery is the third worst sin to commit in God's eyes. Moliere uses this example of Tartuffe's character to expose the many scandals occurring in the seventeenth century with the priests and their inability to remain celibate. Despite the fact priests and those who act pious [such as Tartuffe] appear holy, in reality they sometimes use young girls, committed adultery, and partake in many other scandals.

Not only does Tartuffe aspire to sleep with another man's wife, but also he indulges in the seven deadly sins. While Orgon is away from the house, Tartuffe ate "a leg of mutton and a brace of pheasants," "snored away until the break of day," and "drank four beakers full of port." (Tartuffe 1.4) Tartuffe is supposed to be a devout follower of the son of God. Nonetheless he overstuffs himself, eats too much meat, drinks and oversleeps. Orgon tries defend Tartuffe by saying he "gave him gifts, but in his humbleness he'd beg me every time to give me less." What Orgon doesn't understand is that a Christ-like figure would not accept gifts, and Tartuffe still takes them in, along with wishing to overtake Orgon's household. Tartuffe's sanctimonious display allows the audience to effectively see that he is a hypocrite. Moliere makes it a point to the audience that just because someone appears holy, it does not always hold true and in reality they could be hypocrites.

Characterization of Orgon

Moliere uses the characterization of Orgon to portray a father attempting to control his household when in reality Orgon is gullible and Tartuffe is running the household. Orgon enforces his "fatherly role" upon Mariane telling her Tartuffe is "to be your husband, is that clear" because "it's a father's privilege." (Tartuffe 2.1). He also repeatedly orders the other members in the family around, announcing he is the one giving the orders in the household. (Tartuffe 3.6). Although Orgon attempts to be the one giving the orders in the house, Tartuffe depicts Orgon as growing "more gullible by the day" and that he "could lead him by the nose." (Tartuffe 4.5) Tartuffe is able to get Orgon to sign papers to make him Orgon's only son and heir and eventually Tartuffe takes over Orgon's household. Moliere uses this example to effectively inform his audience that even though we appear to be in control of situations, giving someone too much power and being gullible can lead to a reversal of fortune.

Rhyme Scheme

Another tool Moliere uses to show the difference between appearance and reality is through the rhyme scheme. Moliere employs rhymed couplets to amplify the reading tempo. A rhymed couplet is two lines where the ending syllable of each line rhymes. For example: "there is nothing that I more cherish and admire than honest zeal and true religious fire." (Tartuffe 1.5). The prompt reading symbolizes the frantic disorder of Orgon's household. Although the family tries to put on a façade that they are a perfect aristocratic family of the time, in reality turmoil and conflict subsist throughout the household. This example was true of many families of the time and is also true today.


The setting also portrays the turmoil of the home and augments the pace of the play. The whole play takes place in the same room in Orgon's home and the characters are constantly entering and exiting the room. This causes chaos and confusion resembling the situation of the family. Moliere efficiently informs the audience that although households [in the 1600s or today] may appear to be perfect on the outside, if you dig a little deeper into the reality, they can be muddled.

Dramatic Irony

Moliere also utilizes irony to expose the difference between demeanor and veracity to the audience. On two occasions the play uses the dramatic irony of Damis or Orgon hiding in a closet or under the table while a conversation between Elmire and Tartuffe is occurring. The first instance has Damis hidden in a closet and the audience gets a whim of Tatuffe's true character. Although Tartuffe "may be pious, he is human too." (Tartuffe 3.3). Tartuffe starts touching Elmire and proclaiming his lusts for her and his pious mask becomes undone. It is not until the second occurrence of dramatic irony that Tartuffe's façade is completely gone and the reality of his lasciviousness is unveiled. Tartuffe tells Elmire "to be his pupil" and he will show her "how to conquer scruple." (Tartuffe 4.5). Once again the audience can see the hypocrisy of Tartuffe. Moliere uses this tool of dramatic irony to show the audience that we can not always believe what we see because, once we truly get to know someone they can be a completely different person than they appeared.

I would highly recommend this book to all people fifteen and over because not only does Moliere give you insights on life, but also he is very entertaining and satirical. Due to the rhymed couplets, the book is a very quick read and it is enjoyable because of the irony and witty diction used throughout. Tartuffe is guaranteed to make you laugh and it will institute deep thinking for those wanting to read an academic work.

18 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
Tartuffe-what a spoof!
By Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker
Fast-paced and oft hilarious; Moliere's "Tartuffe" was one of the most controversial plays of its day. However, I myself do not believe it to be so much a satire on religion (contrary to what was believed at the time) as a satire on religious hypocrisy. Not once in the play is a specific religion or religious belief eluded to, and Cleante (who serves as the play's voice of reason) praises piety (so long as it is honest) in the beginning of the fifth act. What the play is satirizing is how easily people follow and accept what they are told by their leaders, whether religious, political, or otherwise.
In the play Orgon places so much faith in the mischevious Tartuffe that he nearly gives away everything (including his own daughter) to him. Both the strong-willed, weak-minded Orgon and the devious Tartuffe (of whom one could say "thinks with the wrong head") as well as the quick-tempered Damis, the clear-minded Cleante, and the wise-cracking maid Dorine are memorable characters all of whom are wonderfully developed despite the brevity of the play. The rhyme scheme makes for a quick and enjoyable read as well. A classic!

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Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

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Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

[F457.Ebook] Fee Download The "Keystone" Jacket and Dress Cutter: An 1895 Guide to Women's Tailoring (Dover Fashion and Costumes), by Chas Hecklinger

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As the 20th century dawned, women began to abandon frilly fashions for sharply tailored suits. Professional tailors of the time turned to this comprehensive resource to create office outfits, riding pants, blouses, and other garments. Filled with more than 80 patterns, it's an invaluable reference for costume designers and fashion historians. 92 black-and-white illustrations.

  • Sales Rank: #1874468 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-03-10
  • Released on: 2012-11-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

17 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
Looks complex but well worth the historically accurate results!
By J. Krasicky
This book is *THE* guide for tailoring suits of the 1890s. When I first flipped through the book in the store, I was intimidated by the diagrams shown throughout the book. But honestly, if you have a roll of wide paper, a large ruler, a quilter's square, a french curve set, a few pens and pencils, and a calculator, it isn't very difficult. You just have to be sure to follow the directions carefully--and pay attention for slight mistakes in the print (I have found just two so far, and they're just a matter of common sense, one being the size of a measurement needing to be 1/6 of something instead of 1/3).

Once you have drafted your basic bodice pattern, you essentially use it again and again as a base for most of the jacket and shirtwaist patterns in the book--so you just have to retrace them and make the changes for the new pattern. And the method of measuring ensures the right fit the first time (as long as you remember to add seam allowances on the pattern edges).

If you don't like or need the "Leg 'O Mutton" sleeves, you can substitute the plain sleeve pattern included in the book. Most of the patterns, with some modifications, will work well for a range of about 1877-1882 and 1890 to 1905. You could even use the vest pattern for a modern vest, or even a men's vest if you lessen the measurements in the bust area. The longer jacket patterns would work very nicely for modern coats, as well.

One thing--if you want to look authentic, you will need a corset (no pattern is included in the book). trulyvictorian.com has a great pattern that is very easy to work with (I've used it to great success before). If you don't need a corset, it won't be a problem since the patterns are drawn to measure to fit you.

Happy drafting and sewing!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Straightforward and clear instructions.
By Flo B. Foxworthy
I haven't yet made any of the patterns in this book, but the instructions look to be very straightforward and simple to follow.
I'd say that anyone with an understanding of pattern drafting would have no trouble using this book to create authentic period costumes.
A few illustrations with each set of drafting instructions would be helpful (mainly so you know exactly what style you are working on), but all in all i think this is an excellent book for the price.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A little hard to follow, but overall excellent
By ShinyCat
While the directions were rather complicated, a working knowledge of tailoring and pattern construction make this book usable, and it is an excellent reference for a wide variety of couture clothing.

See all 4 customer reviews...

The "Keystone" Jacket and Dress Cutter: An 1895 Guide to Women's Tailoring (Dover Fashion and Costumes), by Chas Hecklinger PDF
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The "Keystone" Jacket and Dress Cutter: An 1895 Guide to Women's Tailoring (Dover Fashion and Costumes), by Chas Hecklinger PDF
The "Keystone" Jacket and Dress Cutter: An 1895 Guide to Women's Tailoring (Dover Fashion and Costumes), by Chas Hecklinger PDF

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

[B706.Ebook] Ebook The Elephant in the Room: Stories and Articles from Anglophone Kuwait, by Nada Faris

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The Elephant in the Room: Stories and Articles from Anglophone Kuwait, by Nada Faris

The Elephant in the Room: Stories and Articles from Anglophone Kuwait, by Nada Faris

The Elephant in the Room: Stories and Articles from Anglophone Kuwait, by Nada Faris

Ebook The Elephant in the Room: Stories and Articles from Anglophone Kuwait, by Nada Faris

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The Elephant in the Room: Stories and Articles from Anglophone Kuwait, by Nada Faris

First, let’s address the elephant in the room. I am a Kuwaiti who writes in English. Does this make me ‘Westernized?’ Or worse, a traitor to ‘authentic Arab heritage?’ Since publishing the first edition of this book, which was then titled Before Young Adult Fiction, I’ve been asked by a number of well-meaning individuals why I neglected the language of the Koran (and of heaven, apparently) and ‘the richest language in the world’ to propagate the language of infidels. This book includes stories and articles that explain my point of view.

  • Sales Rank: #7066011 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-02-27
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .45" w x 5.00" l, .44 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 178 pages

About the Author
Nada Faris represented Kuwait at The International Writing Program, USA, and at London's Shubbak Festival, UK. Nada has placed in the top two on four National Slam Poetry Competitions. As a performance poet, Nada has headlined everywhere in Kuwait, from KU, AUK, GUST, and AOU, to private and public schools, hotels, and cafes, to Kuwait's National Book Fair and Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah. She also performed abroad at Busboys & Poets, Spit Dat, Iowa University, Senior College and more.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A highly engaging collection, full of emotion, from this very talented young writer, writing across different genres
By Jay Lewis Allchin
Ms. Nada Faris is an up & coming, award-winning, and provocative writer of social articles, poetry, short stories, and a highly promising new young adult novel currently in serialization. Born and living in Kuwait, Ms. Faris chooses to write in English, showcasing not only her culture and related issues but wider social, human issues for both a home and an international audience.

So what do we have here in the interestingly titled `Before Young Adult Fiction'? Well, what we get is, in truth, sometimes a mixed bag of goodies, but a product that is always honest nonetheless. First up is the short-form prose: 1 novella and 4 short stories. The themes vary, taking in social status and expectations; the role, identities, and expectations of women; decaying relationships; the dangers of being highly outspoken; and the role of the media--themes that variously weave themselves in and out of stories about a divorced man shamed by his runaway wife and who is afraid of losing his teenage daughter; a bona-fide superhero who, tired of having to be constantly be available to everyone, seeks help from a psychiatrist; an witnessing the conversation between 2 Nazi soldiers; a role model who tries to conform but is undone by the media; a long-married couple decaying in their relationship. The opening novella, featuring the abandoned father, whilst full of interest is perhaps the weakest of the bunch, with its themes never quite fulfilled. Still, kudos to Ms. Faris for including this, for as her preface says, all the writing here represents her evolution as a writer over a number of years. It might have been too easy to go back and plug the holes, but that would be less honest than she's being in this collection.

The most memorable story for me was `A Melancholic Superhero'. I mean, what a great idea for a story! Full of heart, this neatly showcases people's expectations of others and the issue of taking responsibility.

Whilst all the stories are thematic, they are nonetheless stories, designed to entertain. The prose is rich, the narrative voices varied and textured, the characters diverse and distinct. These are not fictional excuses to rant or convey opinions. They may do the latter, but these are all highly readable and enjoyable stories.

Next up are a collection of 4 poems, all them placed or winners at festivals. `Artemis' is a standout, with its impassioned cry of pain for a failed relationship. A clear strength that pervades all of Ms. Faris' writing is the emotion that runs through it, never clearer than in her poetry. Unconstrained at times by strict rhyme and pentameter, they do nonetheless have clear, changing rhythm. But for me, not usually a fan of poetry, it's the raw emotion of `Artemis' that I enjoyed so much. Another stand out is `Dear Ms. English Teacher' in which Ms. Faris challenges her teacher to make language and literature relevant to her, to inspire her--all done with a good dose of wit and fun.

The collection then moves on to a group of 4 articles, dealing with adoption in Kuwait, workers' rights, the influence of literature over the ages, a plea for responsible capitalism, and finally a brief discussion on the importance of the specificity of words. Throughout these, Ms. Faris hasn't quite yet found her true narrative voice consistently; nonetheless, a wide range of topics is covered with the central issue clearly conveyed, which is why they've all been published (if I'm not mistaken).

Ms. Faris' compilation ends with a preview of her new young adult novel `Fame in the Adriatic'. Opening in Corfu and set mainly in Venice in 1533, it features a vivid and lively young female protagonist. Promising much early on with its satisfying prose and highly engaging first-person narrative voice, this is getting a lot of positive buzz from readers so far.

Overall, `Before Young Adult Fiction' showcases the development of a very talented young writer, writing across different genres, finding her style, and developing her voice. What I love is the honesty of the collection and, above all, the pervading emotion that resonates both throughout the book and after its final page... Ms. Faris' writing never fails to engage.

Already beginning to gain some national recognition in her home country, Nada Faris is a fresh new writer who doesn't want to conform to the same, tired formulae, at last not here. Taking risks, showing us how she's learned and developed, she wants to wake us up and get us to think.

What struck me after I'd read this was if she's as good as this now, just how good is she going to get down the line? I, for one, am looking forward to finding out.

Ms. Faris writes a blog, and a synopsis of `Before Young Adult Fiction' can be found here:

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The Elephant in the Room: Stories and Articles from Anglophone Kuwait, by Nada Faris PDF
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The Elephant in the Room: Stories and Articles from Anglophone Kuwait, by Nada Faris PDF

The Elephant in the Room: Stories and Articles from Anglophone Kuwait, by Nada Faris PDF

The Elephant in the Room: Stories and Articles from Anglophone Kuwait, by Nada Faris PDF
The Elephant in the Room: Stories and Articles from Anglophone Kuwait, by Nada Faris PDF

Senin, 17 Januari 2011

[T208.Ebook] Download Ebook Who Do You Love?: A Touch and Feel Book, by Margaret Wang

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Who Do You Love?: A Touch and Feel Book, by Margaret Wang

Who Do You Love?: A Touch and Feel Book, by Margaret Wang

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Who Do You Love?: A Touch and Feel Book, by Margaret Wang

Book by Wang, Margaret

  • Sales Rank: #1475551 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Piggy Toes Press
  • Published on: 2007-03-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .76" h x 10.55" w x 9.56" l, 1.54 pounds
  • Binding: Board book
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Love the story But hate the way the book is made!
By Dragonsis
I bought this book for my daughter, I read most of the reviews and thought: Awww who do you love sounds adorable and most people really like it! Well once I got the book a few days later I was really bummed because the way the textures were put in the book were poorly made! The page actually separated because of it! So all in all I loved the story and the concept BUT hayed the way the book was made! I gave it three stars because it's just okay. I actually send my book back because I didn' want to clue the pages together myself and then have my daughter put it in her mouth!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent colors and textures
By P. Bergin
Other than the annoying misuse of "who" in the title and throughout the book (it should be "whom"), this is a great touch & feel book! Six different colors/textures of fur help to illustrate the different bears on each page. Two minor annoyances are the lack of a mention of "Grandpa" (despite mention of "Grandma"), and a VERY forced rhyme on the last page, but a fun read for our son.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
An ok touchy-feely book
By Hegel Who
The story is not particularly captivating, though my 20 mos old son briefly enjoys rubbing the different colored fur. I'd also say he's bored by too similar textures... he definitely prefers books with a variety of "animal" textures. The illustrations are crisp and bold. Overall, it's ok.

See all 28 customer reviews...

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Who Do You Love?: A Touch and Feel Book, by Margaret Wang PDF

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Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

[U723.Ebook] Ebook Brody's Ghost Collected Edition, by Mark Crilley

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Brody's Ghost Collected Edition, by Mark Crilley

Brody's Ghost Collected Edition, by Mark Crilley

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Brody's Ghost Collected Edition, by Mark Crilley

Acclaimed author Mark Crilley tells his greatest tale yet in this intense supernatural thriller! After losing his job, his girlfriend, and his home, Brody learns that things can get even worse when he begins seeing a ghostly teenage girl watching him in the street. What he hopes is a hallucination proves all too real when the ghost tells him she needs his help hunting down a dangerous killer, and that he must undergo training from the spirit of a centuries-old samurai to unlock his hidden ghost talker powers.

While Brody initially goes along only begrudgingly, the mission becomes terrifyingly personal when he learns that his ex-girlfriend is destined to be the killer's next victim. As he evades the police and his ex's criminal boyfriend, Brody enters a race against time to learn the killer's identity before the night of her foretold doom!

"Mix a pinch of The Sixth Sense with a dash of The Karate Kid and a bit of The Crow, and you'll start to get a feel for Brody's Ghost." -Wired

"The setting--an unidentified future city partially in ruins--is a masterpiece of drawing . . . The story is more than a match for the art." -Booklist

  • Sales Rank: #47910 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-05-10
  • Released on: 2016-05-10
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.60" h x 1.40" w x 5.40" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 600 pages

About the Author
Mark Crilley is an American manga creator and children's book author and illustrator. He is the creator of Miki Falls, Akiko, and Brody's Ghost. He is also noted for his instructional videos for drawing on YouTube in various styles, including manga. He was at one point an English teacher in Fukushima, Japan, as well as Taiwan. The author lives in Chicago, IL..

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
A Must Buy For Fans of Mystery(And For Fans of Good Stories in General)
By Amazon Customer
After years of following Mark Crilley and his work, I knew that as soon as I was able to, I just had to get my hands on one of his graphic novels. Now with "Brody's Ghost Collected Edition", a collection of all of his "Brody's Ghost" novels from beginning to end, I knew now was the perfect time to finally support the man and purchase one of novels, and let me tell you, the story of "Brody's Ghost" has shattered all of my expectations on what I thought the story would be and then some.

From its memorable characters,to its beautiful art, to its very mysterious atmosphere, the story of "Brody's Ghost" will for sure give you one hell of a ride.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great book, better than expected.
By Amazon Customer
I loved it! Way better than I was expecting. After watching his youtube videos, I decided "Hey if I want to read all the books, why not ust get this?" (I had owned 0 beforehand) But if you own the books already not much of a point in getting this.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By Samuel Morphis
Pretty interesting story. It's not outstanding, but it's an interesting blend of familiar elements.

See all 13 customer reviews...

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Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

[T146.Ebook] Download Ebook Madres que no saben amar: 1 (Crecimiento personal) (Spanish Edition), by Karyl McBride

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Madres que no saben amar: 1 (Crecimiento personal) (Spanish Edition), by Karyl McBride

Madres que no saben amar: 1 (Crecimiento personal) (Spanish Edition), by Karyl McBride

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Madres que no saben amar: 1 (Crecimiento personal) (Spanish Edition), by Karyl McBride

Encumbrado a los primeros puestos de Amazon, "Madres que no saben amar" posee todos los ingredientes para convertirse en el gran éxito de la temporada en el ámbito de la literatura de transformación personal. Inseguridad, tristeza, falta de autoestima, vacío emocional, miedo al abandono, relaciones abusivas, tendencia al perfeccionismo... Millones de mujeres sufren las consecuencias de haber sido criadas por una madre narcisista. La psicoterapeuta Karyl McBride, especializada en psicología femenina, presenta por primera vez una guía profesional para que las hijas que han sufrido el abuso emocional de madres egoístas y/o centradas en sí mismas empiecen a reivindicar una vida propia, superen las devastadoras consecuencias de un vínculo materno dañino y, lo que es más importante, no incurran en los mismos errores que sus madres. Todo un acontecimiento editorial, tan trascendente y revelador como el clásico "Mujeres que aman demasiado".

  • Sales Rank: #937832 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-10-14
  • Released on: 2013-10-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Karyl McBride, Ph.D., is a licensed marriage and family therapist with more than thirty years of experience in public and private practice, specializing in treatment of trauma. She isa leading authority on narcissism and author of "Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers". She is a contributing blogger for "Psychology Today, Huffington Post, "and her recent book was featured in the "New York Times" book club. Dr. McBride can also be found online at WillIEverBeGoodEnough.com, KarylMcBridePhD.com, and Facebook.com/DrKarylMcBride.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By ausped
This is written with the author's own experience which makes it more touching among with her patients' testimony and of course this book offers support and hope to achieve recovery if you have been a victim of narcissist abuse.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Read and learn
By Amazon Customer
Great book, even for a guy like me, trying to understand others going trough this mostly unrecognised burden.
A must read.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By K. I. B.
Muy buen libro, lo recomiendo.

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Madres que no saben amar: 1 (Crecimiento personal) (Spanish Edition), by Karyl McBride PDF
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Madres que no saben amar: 1 (Crecimiento personal) (Spanish Edition), by Karyl McBride Doc
Madres que no saben amar: 1 (Crecimiento personal) (Spanish Edition), by Karyl McBride iBooks
Madres que no saben amar: 1 (Crecimiento personal) (Spanish Edition), by Karyl McBride rtf
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Madres que no saben amar: 1 (Crecimiento personal) (Spanish Edition), by Karyl McBride Kindle

Madres que no saben amar: 1 (Crecimiento personal) (Spanish Edition), by Karyl McBride PDF

Madres que no saben amar: 1 (Crecimiento personal) (Spanish Edition), by Karyl McBride PDF

Madres que no saben amar: 1 (Crecimiento personal) (Spanish Edition), by Karyl McBride PDF
Madres que no saben amar: 1 (Crecimiento personal) (Spanish Edition), by Karyl McBride PDF

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

[V743.Ebook] Ebook Free Introduction to spectroscopy (3rd Edition), by Lampman (Author), Kriz (Author) Pavia (Author)

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Introduction to spectroscopy (3rd Edition), by Lampman (Author), Kriz (Author) Pavia (Author)

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Introduction to spectroscopy (3rd Edition), by Lampman (Author), Kriz (Author) Pavia (Author)

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Introduction to spectroscopy (3rd Edition), by Lampman (Author), Kriz (Author) Pavia (Author)

Introduction to Spectroscopy 3RD EDITION by Donald Pavia, Gary Lampman and George Kriz. Saunders College Division,2001

  • Sales Rank: #1086840 in Books
  • Published on: 2001
  • Binding: Paperback

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Good intro to instrumentation for undergraduates
By laser reviewer
This book has enough details but easy to comprehend. I highly recommend this book for chemistry majors. It covers the basics in IR, NMR, GC, and HPLC.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Three Stars
By Gao Han
Its ok!

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Introduction to spectroscopy (3rd Edition), by Lampman (Author), Kriz (Author) Pavia (Author) PDF